As the 25th annual Women in Construction week kicks off, Maxim joins the industry in celebrating the different journeys women have taken toward the goal of strengthening and amplifying the success of women in the industry. To mark this event, we’re profiling some women leaders at Maxim who have made their mark on our company and the industry.
Kristy Ireland, National Purchasing Manager, Atlanta Branch
What drew you to the construction industry?
I learned about a new position being created at Maxim from a friend. I was excited to join the company and was persistent, calling back every day to make sure I got the job!
What does it take to succeed in our industry?
From my experience, I’ve always been “one of the guys” and not afraid to speak up. You have to be able to speak up and have your voice heard. Once I proved myself and showed the ways I could help out the team, I had more opportunities to grow my career.
When I started as one of the first female parts managers, the company had to add a women’s restroom in the shop area because we didn’t have one yet!
Today the industry is more open to women – the path that has been created keeps getting wider and wider! Maxim is a big part of this change in the industry.
What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
I love that each day there’s something different and that the work is fast paced. I also love that the work is always evolving and changing – the things I learned years ago may have changed and I get to learn them again, and that’s exciting!
What advice do you have for other women in the industry?
Don’t be intimidated! Construction is becoming more open and we’re seeing that here at Maxim with women moving into leadership, including branch operation managers. Women can bring a different way of thinking to the job, and having their perspective helps make the work we do better. Women should give it a shot – a lot of the people across the country are finding great opportunities in this business!
Randi Hensley, Operations Manager, Beaumont, Texas Branch
What drew you to the construction industry?
Nothing drew me to the industry in particular, but I can tell you what kept me in the industry – this is a fast-paced business where every day brings new challenges, which is exciting!
What does it take to succeed in our industry?
For me, it’s all about having confidence and having good communication skills. That’s what’s necessary for your team to buy in to what you are doing. You need to have the trust of the people working with you and for you.
I will add that being a good communicator is also vital, especially when you have a team that doesn’t come into the same office each day. I make sure to call, or text or find other ways to get messages to the team in the field. And I have an open door policy for when they want to talk to me. Having that open communication has been huge throughout my career here.
What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
I love coming each day and not knowing what might be waiting for me – did we win that huge job? Is there a problem I can help solve? It’s not the same day to day. We might be on a refinery site or putting a cellular tower up.
I also love that we have the back of some of the biggest petroleum companies in the nation – our branch has cranes at largest refineries in the region.
What advice do you have for other women in the industry?
Don’t be intimidated! Construction is thought of as a male-dominated business, but Maxim is welcoming to all women – it’s been my home for more than 20 years.
Samantha Pirtz, Sales Representative, Mountain West Region
What drew you to the construction industry?
Being new to the area I didn’t know anything about the area. What started as an opportunity for a receptionist quickly transpired into a career 21 years later.
What does it take to succeed in our industry?
You’ve got to know what you’re talking about – I know I’ve been tested over the years, but I’ve learned the business with the help of others here at Maxim.
What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
I love some of the bigger jobs we get and being able to look at something knowing we were a big part of bringing something big to life. These bigger jobs can be difficult, and when we complete them, you just say ‘yes!’”
What advice do you have for other women in the industry?
You have to have a little confidence – don’t be afraid and roll with it to walk on a jobsite that normally is mostly men, where they aren’t used to seeing women, and be able to confidently answer questions.
Teri Dees, Operations Manager, Ft. Worth, Texas Branch
What drew you to the industry?
There was an opportunity at Maxim in an office support role, and I’ve been able to work my way up to my current job as operations manager.
What does it take to succeed in our industry?
I think finding people around you to support you as you do your work is key – I’ve found that at Maxim, and I’ve found leaders here who have pushed me to build on my success, encouraging me along the way.
What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
I’d have to say the people – they are more like a family to me. Yes, we all have our rough days, but we get through it together with the support of each other. We’re all working together to make sure we have a good, safe day on the job.
What advice do you have for other women thinking about a career in the industry?
Just do it! It’s a new world and the industry will open you up to new ways of thinking. There’s so much knowledge you can pick up every day on the job.